Changes in Drawcam v1.1
- 5 completely new stroke-based filters. These work by placing individual strokes of colour whose colour, size opacity and orientation are determined by the underlying image.These will run on older devices but the frame rate may be reduced. If the strokes look to be in wrong direction on diagonals (as in the image on the left, below), use Preferences to change stroke direction.
- New menu option "Send to Drawcam". This is shown only when a still image is on screen. This option is more convenient and better than using Export to App. It uses the full size image with no brightening. Standard Export uses the size and brightening factor set in the Preferences.
- Tessellated and Pixelated filters now change size properly.
- Controls no longer switchable - always shown.
- Updated to latest Twitter and Facebook libraries. The first time you log in to Facebook, especially, can take a considerable amount of time. Thereafter it will be fine.
A few examples of the kinds of effects the new filters produce: