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Options Menu

Clicking on the Android device's menu button will bring up the Sources menu containing the following:



When you invoke the Preferences command from the Options menu you will be presented with a standard preferences dialog box, shown below. Note that it is scrollable and contains more options than can be shown at once on many screens.

The available options are as follows:

The next five options refer to display qualities. There are three values for display quality (each turns on different amounts of render optimization) - Standard, Good and Best. Standard is the quickest but will sometimes show artifacts, Best can be extremely slow on some devices but gives high quality results. The default values for these four settings are probably the best choices, but you can change them. Just be aware that using "Best" anywhere may have a marked performance effect on some Android devices.

The next two options are concerned with the positioning grid underlying the work area.

The next option is concerned with improving performance in some rare cases.

The final option appears on large screen devices only. It is important for users of Kindle devices but may be found useful depending on your device’s control types.




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